Monday, September 24, 2012


So stumbled upon this article where Deepak Chopra answered a question that relates to me in a way but not exactly.... ( I've been having issues, rather I'm becoming aware that something isn't right in that area of my life. I have an issues maintaining healthy romantic relationships and platonic relationships. Due to my past issues I've developed a bad habit of becoming dependent on individuals which eventually leads to them deciding to walk out of my life. I've since dealt with a great deal of those issues and have seen some improvement and more balance in the relationships I have with the limited amount of individuals who have stayed in my life regardless of my tough times... but, theirs still obviously some remaining issues. I've prayed about it, read a couple books, and several articles but haven't had much luck in answering my question, "what am I doing wrong in relationships?". I've never been a popular person or a real outgoing person so the lack of a significant amount of people around me is normal but the fact that I can't keep the ones I really value around disappoints and saddens me. So, once I discovered Deepak Chopra and began to follow his blogs, reading his books, and catching him on tv when I can, I began meditating and asking myself "Who am I?" Slowly over the last few months I've been successful at learning myself, understanding my habits, articulating how I am to another individual, and still learning to 100% love and accept me as I really am. With that being said, as I attempt to decipher the relationship issue I found the concept of "mirror image" a very interesting one. According to Deepak Chopra relationships are a mirror image of ourselves. In his book he states that a good relationship results from having a bond where you both are mirror images on the soul level. Deep stuff right? At least I though so anyway.... Now the challenge I've been faced with is learning from these relationships. I'm totally familar with the concept that some relationships are seasonal and others are permanent. Haven't had many permanent and those that are we've sort of outgrown each other and the communicatin is less frequent and minimal, something else I'm attempting to undertand and accept. Anyway, after reading that blog, my thoughts are all over the place in figuring out what I mirrored in each relationship and what was I supposed to learn from the ones that have "served their purpose." I'll begin by listing them and I'll spend minimum one day thinking and writing out what I learned from and what I mirrored in this particular person. Will use code or nicknames... 1)Meme 2)DG 3)JJ 4)Bud 5)MO 6)ex 7)6 mos 8)author 9)Fat kid 10)Cori 11)BSB 12)Berry Today I'll start with the first. The first one is my Grandmother who was taken away from me through death. I've been told by several people that I haven't really grieved her but I think I'm doin ok. What I take from her is that she taught me work ethic, morals, how to be tough, and what it means to set your mind on something and through education and awarness, go get it! I realize that my grandmother did serve her role in my life and through her death I gained a ton of independence and focus in order to do the things I wanted to do in life and because of her absence in my life I had to develop tough skin and become my own person in order to accomplish all of what I have so far. Although she passed when I was 15, now at 23 soon to be 24, I can still appreciate the subliminal life lessons I learned from her. Some days I wish I could ask her the most pressing questions I currently have as a young adult but it is what it is. The only thing I struggle with tho is rather or not she accepts all of who I've grown up to be? Knowing my grandmother, I'd say she would be delighted and very proud of me: ) I miss you lots though meme. The mirror there is unexplainable.... Everything I am deep down inside, is most of her because she raised me. My very positive, hardworking, compassionate,

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